Prudence MacLeod releases DARK STAR

Dark Star Front Cover


She always fought for the underdog and never harmed an innocent, but her power couldn’t be hidden in a small town. Unable to make herself heard, and tired of the abuse at home, Starla Kirby fled to the city. In her defiant desire to be heard, she turned from the Light which would not help her, and called upon the Powers of Darkness, awakening  something terrible in the process. Thus was her fate sealed. Did she have the power to keep the world safe from the terror she had awakened?

There was only one slim chance.

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Allysyn Jones signs with Shadoe Publishing!

authorpicAllysyn Jones was born in Mississippi sometime in the 1980’s where she spent her early childhood.  Later in the early 1990’s she had moved north to the Midwest with her mother and two siblings where she spent the majority of her adolescence.  There she became well-rounded, still socially awkward, but confident in her happy-go-lucky spirit.

On the morning of September 11th, 2001, Allysyn realized her call to duty.  She spent the rest of her high school career preparing to join the United States Navy by joining the Delayed Entry Program and in 2005, she finally left for boot camp.

After completing her job training as a U.S. Navy Builder, she was stationed in California and in 2006, she left for her first deployment and during which time, she began writing as an escape from her surroundings.  Never in a million years did the young writer even imagine these works becoming published, so after completing the books, she let them sit for several years.  During that several year time period, she received her honorable discharge from the Navy, she traveled, went to college.  After receiving all of the love and support of her readers, she pursued finding the right publishing house and now the adventure really begins.

A.D. Campbell signs with Shadoe Publishing!


A.D. Campbell was born sometime in the 1980’sin Natchez, Mississippi. Growing up to the average middle class American family in the South, she has been writing since she was thirteen. A childhood spent reading everything she could get her hands on, playing sports not meant for little girls, and saving creepy crawlers gave the young bookworm a taste for literary adventure. If Indiana Jones has a reincarnation, it would be A.D.. Medical student by day, writer by night, no blank page is safe. 

Try PRUDENCE MACLEOD’s Novan Series starting at .99!

Just wanted to let you know, the first book in the Nova Series will be going on Kindle Countdown sale April 12th. This mean that on the 12th, Novan Witch will be on sale for $0.99. Each day thereafter the price will go up by a little until it returns to its regular price on April 19th. Here’s where to find her:Novan Witch

“Greetings, great Lady of the Temple, I bring a passenger who would speak with you in private. She asks that you join her aboard the ship.”

“Who is your passenger, boy?”

“I am Micha, friend of Lessa, son of Kona, Nara Clan.”

“I asked the name of your passenger. Stop being impertinent and answer me at once. ”

“You know full well who his passenger is, Salian.” Lessa’s stern voice preceded her appearance. To all eyes but Micha’s, she was dressed in the full robes of her office. He still saw her ragged uniform.

“Looks like we may need a backup plan after all,” he muttered under his breath.

“Since you would not speak in private, Salian, we will do things your way. Go, have our chambers prepared, and call an assembly in the Hall of Audience.”

“You cannot just walk back in here after all these years and start throwing orders around, Arlessa. I rule here now. Your authority has been removed by the council.”

“The council? You mean the minions of the Viceroy. Does that include you Salian? No? I thought not. You want to keep the mantle of power for yourself.” Lessa had a cold smile on her face. “Push me, Salian, and you will discover the true reach of my abilities. Now obey me.”


Once you try the first one you will LOVE to move on to the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th in the fascinating series!

Assassin of NovaBeyond Nova Front CoverClaimstake Front Cover

Re-release of Dawn Carter’s book: HEART OF VENGEANCE

Heart of Vengeance Front Cover

WARNING ~ book contains graphic violence towards women

A serial killer plagues the gay community and leaves a trail of dead bodies across state lines. Agent Danni Pacelli and Agent Parker Stevens rush against time to catch their killer and stop the body count from increasing.

Agent Parker Stevens life was perfect when transferred to a new city and new location which offered her solitude from the grief of losing her partner and children to a predator. But, while hunting down her suspect, she meets Samantha Petrino who takes the once closed off Stevens and opens a world to new love. The charming advertising agent breaks down her defenses, and no matter how hard she fights to protect her heart, she finds herself falling for the beautiful and intelligent woman.

New to the FBI, Agent Danni Pacelli’s struggles to balance her personal life along with the job, to save her relationship, she convinces her new partner to bring in Annabel and utilize the young detective’s skills to track down their killer or risk losing Annabel all together.

The heroic efforts of two agents who hunt down a serial killer, but find more than they bargained for.

Paperback & E-Book!

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Re-release of HEART OF FIRE by Dawn Carter

Heart of Fire front coverCourageous, determined, Homicide Detective, Danni Pacelli’s is unmoved by death and violence, but when promoted and partnered with Annabel Flanery, the charming, sexy and young rookie detective softened the hardened heart.  The perfect life Danni fought so hard to build, and protect, was now at stake, as she hunted down a brutal serial murderer, all the while discovering she has feelings for her new partner.

Danni finds herself spiraling, as the lines of hunting down the killer, or protecting her partner from certain death become blurred, as Danni finds herself wondering how to catch the killer while protecting her heart.

 The more the two battles to save lives, the more in love Danni falls, but will she be brave enough to face admitting her feelings, and win Annabel’s heart, or risk losing the security, and the life of solitude, she’d always known? Or will she face losing Annabel instead?

E-book & Paperback!

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An Interview with Prudence MacLeod

 Author PictureTell us about (insert current release)?

Actually, I have several, but the most recent work to become available is Hell Comes Home. This is the story of a woman who has seen it all and a bit more. She’s a demon hinter. Tired, jaded, and sick of it all she quits and returns to the scene of her childhood. She hopes to find some peace and maybe some closure, but the demons follow. Not only does she have to fight the demons, but she has to protect, and decide between, the two beautiful sister who keep flirting with her. That delightful distraction could prove fatal. Hell Comes Home. Find it and more here: Comes Home Front Cover

What sets your most recent release, Hell Comes Home, from other books of the same genre?

Hell Comes Home, as with all my stories, is a story meant to educate and entertain. There may or may not be a sex scene, but my novels focus on story line and characters more than the sex. If erotica is what you want, this isn’t it. There are a lot of writers who do that better than I do. I’m a storyteller. When you open one of my books I transport you into a different world, let you hang out with new friends, have an adventure, and forget all about the stresses of everyday life.

How is the book doing so far?

So far Hell Comes Home is selling well and has garnered one stellar review. I need to do more the encourage readers to drop a fast review on the books. I enjoy the feedback and the reviews really do help sales.

Any future releases reader should be aware of?

Dozens. I mean that literally. Over the coming months all my back list will appear, with new covers and a few updates, under the Shadoe Publishing Label. shadoe-publishing-22.jpg

I’m also hoping to complete three or more new works this year. I will finish the Corelian Guard Series that began with Hunter. I hope to have a new Novan Series, novel complete, plus I have two five more in the works, all at different stages

.Hunter  front CoverNovan WitchAssassin of NovaBeyond Nova Front CoverClaimstake Front Cover

Are you reading anything right now, or have you read anything recently that is worth mentioning?

I’m always reading. People don’t want to believe this, but reading is vital to writing. Right now I’m reading the Gallaghers of Ardmore Trilogy by Nora Roberts. As soon as I finish the series there are some new writers I want to read. Kaden Shay is at the top of that list.Her Calling Front Cover

Does music inspire or motivate you to write? If so, what kind of music?

Music is vital for me to write. I’m completely lost without it. When I’m writing action scenes I need power ballads like Rolling in the Deep or something by Annie Lennox. For fight or battle scenes something like ACDC’s Thunderstruck is awesome. So is anything by Albannach. For the softer or romantic scenes the guitar of Tommy Emmanuel is perfect or Allan Stivel on the Celtic Harp.

Who are some of your favorite authors? Favorite novels?

That’s a seriously long list, but Nora Roberts, Jayne Ann Krentz as Amanda Quick, are at the top of that list. George R. Martin is also well up there as is David Eddings whom I’ve been favorably  compared to are also well up there. Favorite novels? Usually whatever I’m reading (or writing) at the moment.

Are you one of those people who don’t own a TV? Do you have any favorite TV Shows? Favorite movies?

We have a huge TV, but rarely watch it. Sometimes we’ll do the Netflix thing and binge out on a series for a few days, but the TV is rarely on. When I broke my ribs last winter I binged out on Fringe. The character of Walter Bishop is incredibly written and John Noble’s performance is amazing. I also binge on Firefly at least twice a year.

Favorite movies: Serenity, Pride and Prejudice, and the Lord of the Rings for starters.

At what point in your life did you realize you wanted to be a writer?

It wasn’t so much a want to be a writer, it was just something I did in school. I loved telling the stories. I left school at seventeen and life took over, jobs, kids, etc. for over thirty I read everything I could in every free moment I could steal, but didn’t write. I was forty six when Katherine and I got together. She encouraged me to start writing again, bought me my first computer, and taught me how to use it. She’s been my biggest fan ever since.

Tell us about your writing process.

It’s pure madness. Don’t try this at home folks, I’m a professional. Tee hee. My desk is in the center of the house so I jump up to cook, make coffee, let the dogs out, let the dogs in, let the dogs out, let the dogs in, etc. Everybody who comes or goes stops to chat, and that’s not all.

I’m the only early bird in the house so the most of it gets done in the early hours after I feed the dogs. However, the computer always has Face Book open, my WIP open, and World of Warcraft open. I spend a lot of time bouncing around between them all. However, when I really get rolling I’ve been known to write from early morning well into the night.

Are the names of the characters in your novels important? 

The names? Yes and no. The character comes first, then the name later. Once I have her name I can start writing her story or her part in the current one. Some folks struggle with the names, but I find the come fairly easy to me. Once you get a character fixed in your mind they will usually tell you their name.

How do you define success as a writer? Have you been successful?

Success? Success is completing a work that you enjoy yourself. Yes, I also reread my own book just to enjoy the stories. If you get something completed, you’re successful. I have been blessed with a great deal of success. Yes, having a book in print is great, sales are super great, and being asked for an autograph by a stranger is awesome, but these things do not define success, they are the icing on the cake. The cake is that story you wrote and finished.

Do you have words of wisdom about writing that you want to pass on to novelists and writers out there who are starting out?

1.Read. For the love of God, read. I can usually tell a writer who has not read a lot. People, reading is your homework. This is how you learn your craft, it is your apprenticeship.

2.Write lots. Write, write, and write some more and never attach your dreams to that first book. Believe me, by the time number fifteen comes along you will be able to see how far you’ve come.

3.Read and write some more. As you continue writing, the way you read a book will change. You will start seeing what the author has done right or wrong and applying those lessons and insights to your own work.

What should readers walk away from your books knowing? How should they feel?

I never end a book on a cliffhanger. I hate that. I may hint at more to come, but there will always be a satisfactory conclusion to the adventure. The reader should come away feeling good, like she has made new friends, and that maybe she has learned something new, or seen something familiar in a completely different light. She should feel uplifted.

What is your End of the World Playlist?

End of the world playlist? What the hell is that? The music I want to hear as the world ends? Dear gods, okay, Thunderstruck. If the world is going to end it should go out in a blaze of glory, not die slowly of the poisons we’ve dumped into the environment.

Do you have anything specific that you want to say to your readers?

Yes. I love you all. Never forget or doubt that. I also want to beg you for reviews. If you enjoyed the book, please, go on Amazon and give a review. “Really enjoyed the story.” would do just fine. It doesn’t have to be elaborate, but it would mean the world to me. Reviews are a real boon to a writer.



I am a spiritual seeker, dog trainer, official Reiki Master and Interior designer, and personal trainer who has turned her hand to writing. I am also an avid chess player, not a great one, but an avid one. I build, I bake, I knit, and I tell stories.
I have roamed far and wide for over sixty years in this realm, and I have seen much; some I wish I had not, and a great deal that I would love to see again. Some days I feel like Bilbo Baggins, for I have been there and come back again. No, I haven’t written a book about my wanderings, but much that I have experienced, observed, learned, surmised, or imagined, is woven into the tales I have written. I do hope you enjoy them.

You can find me here:


Readers are encouraged to reply to this blog with questions for our author.