GCLS 2015

This was Shadoe Publishing’s first year at a GCLS Event.  I think we represented ourselves well:11750604_884479131624256_4108024871648379874_n 11751888_884479198290916_5687123792622681940_nIMG_20150723_150450IMG_20150723_150501

With over two dozen authors in our stable (those may not ALL be listed) www.shadoepublishing.com we like to think we still offer that personal touch to authors while still working hard to provide them with services that will enhance their books and careers in writing.

As their publisher, I’m pleased with the turnout and how our booths looked and look forward to the future of Shadoe Publishing and it’s many authors!  If you see us at an event, come on by and say hello!  We’re a friendly bunch!11061678_885163474889155_7393434628066890811_n

I also cannot help but give a shoutout to Genta Sebastian whose book RIDING THE RAINBOW,RtRcover now available from Shadoe Publishing won a Goldie! 11224045_885696274835875_2453194721956695288_nthe noise from our table was rather loud as when they announced her win we all stood up to shout but the award was so well deserved!  Wait until you read the book as well as her next one (already available) A Man’s Man! A Man's Man We are going to see her win once again!  See it happen in Washington D.C. over the Fourth of July weekend!

I couldn’t have had the booth and attended so many events without the help of a dear friend Sara Carson who manned the booth and sold books for the Shadoe Publishing authors!  A shoutout to her for the good (and sometimes boring) job that she did.  I’m pleased to say that she had a wonderful time, made a lot of new friends, and saw a side of things that she hadn’t expected!  Yay Sara! 11183442_885163541555815_7278988958792796584_n

Finally, I’m pleased to say that this publisher stands proudly behind their authors!  To all those who attended, thank you!IMG_0221

Shadoe Publishing Logo with website

Genta Sebastian WINS a Goldie at the 2015 GCLS con in New Orleans for RIDING THE RAINBOW

Shadoe Publishing PROUDLY announces the 2015 GCLS WINNER for Young Adult

Our very OWN Genta Sebastian!


With two out-loud-and proud mothers, plump, clumsy Lily is miserable in fifth grade where bullies torment her on the playground and in class. Across the room Clara sits still as a statue, never volunteering or raising her hand, answering only in whispers with her head down to avoid curious eyes, keeping her family’s secret that she has two dads.

Each girl is relieved to have a friend, especially one who understands living in a rainbow family. Everything seems great until old lies and blackmail catch up with them. 

Clara is kidnapped. Her two dads move fast, the police even faster, but her best friend must be the quickest of all. Will Lily be in time to save Clara’s life?

2book-gif (1)Congratulations Genta, the FIRST of MANY to come!

Re-release of REPRESENTED by K’Anne Meinel


Coming out is hard.  Coming out in the public eye is even harder.  People think they own a piece of you, your work, and your life, they feel they have the right to judge you.  You lose not only friends but fans and ultimately, possibly, your career…or your life.

Cassie Summers is a Southern Rock Star; she came out so that she could feel true to herself.  Her family including her band and those important to her support her but there are others that feel she betrayed them, they have revenge on their minds…

Karin Myers is a Rock Star in her own right; she is one of those new super promoters: Manager, go-to gal, agent, public relations expert, and hand-holder all in one.  Her name is synonymous with getting someone recognized, promoted, and making money.  She only handles particular clients though; she’s choosy…for some very specific reasons.

Meeting Cassie at a party there is a definite attraction.  She does not however wish to represent her despite her excellent reputation.  She fights it tooth and nail until she is contractually required to do so.  In nearly costs them more than either of them anticipated….their lives.

In E-Book and Paperback!

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IMMORTAL TIGRESS New Release by Prudence MacLeod

Immortal Tigress - Copy


For millions of years a rogue meteor hurtles through space towards Earth, glowing from the vast fields of radiation through which it has passed. A primitive human female gazes in wonder as the burning invader hurtles toward the ground, unaware of the great beast stalking her. All three meet in an instant.

Flash forward to the present, yes, she is still here, she has always been here, in the shadows, ready to strike from the darkness with gleaming fangs.


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