Promoting our authors

When I started Shadoe Publishing back in 2012 it was with the premise of an author promoting other authors and publishing their works that I felt needed to get out there. I had been approached by other authors since I started publishing my own works in 2011. They wanted to know HOW I was doing what I was doing. A lot of it was simply research in how to format and publish the books. I already had the content and was releasing a lot of my short stories, novellas, and novels. Unfortunately, these were not edited at the time. In later years I would have a team of editors go over these works as well as my author’s works and fix that oversight, re-releasing the books, edited, and some with new covers.

I learned a lot over the years and shared that knowledge freely with my authors. I changed how I did things as I learned them. Improving the quality of their formatted books as well their writings. I even increased the number and quality of the covers as I did them myself for them as part of the publishing I was doing for them.

I have cut back on the number of authors that we handle, partly due to sales of their books, partly due to my own schedule and health.

Since that time I have striven to continue offering those authors who have published with Shadoe Publishing more opportunities for their books in the form of audiobooks and now foreign translations of their books. If another form comes along, and it has, I will learn how to do this, and, of course, announce these ‘new’ releases of ‘old’ titles in new formats whenever possible. Sometimes an old book can be seen in a new light and this benefits both us, the publisher, and the author.

I use my own books and work as a guinea pig in these endeavors because if they fail it is on me first and foremost. If we succeed, then I can put my author’s books out in these forms and hopefully, successfully, sell them under these other formats.

As a result, we can now announce these other formats and offerings to a broad variety of audiences who might not have seen or heard of these works any other way. It’s an awesome thought that our works can reach possibly millions of readers who had never heard of lesbian fiction or our author’s writings. And, in this day and age, it can continue indefinitely, in perpetuity for authors’ works.

There are so many countries in the world where lesbianism is taboo. There are many countries where Amazon, the largest distributor of our books is not allowed. We are slowly getting books out there, with lesbian characters into places that they otherwise would not go. We are going to announce each and every one of these whether you speak the language or not, whether you listen to audiobooks or not, help us celebrate these milestones. You can choose to read each and every email that you get from us or scroll on by.

Thank you for following along,

K’Anne Meinel, author and publisher…and promoter of lesbian fiction.

Mad Malice ~ An Audiobook narrated by Desarae Holland — K’Anne Meinel

Angry at being left alone to cope with the enormous fortune Alice left her, Kathy has to learn to deal with business, family, and a blackmailer who is certain he has her over a barrel.  Dealing with the life she now leads, she doesn’t realize until it’s too late how much Alice and her “lessons” […]

Mad Malice ~ An Audiobook narrated by Desarae Holland — K’Anne Meinel

Melancholy Malice ~ An Audiobook narrated by Desarae Holland — K’Anne Meinel

Left alone to deal with the enormity of the estate that was willed to her, Kathy must go on alone.  Can she deal with the children, the finances, the legitimate and not so legitimate business dealings? The many surprises in store for her, some welcome and some not so welcome, begin to change Kathy. Meeting […]

Melancholy Malice ~ An Audiobook narrated by Desarae Holland — K’Anne Meinel

Morally Malice ~ An audiobook narrated by Desarae Holland — K’Anne Meinel

Alice is tired of the killing; she wants a nice, normal life.  Circumstances won’t let her though, and although she has tried to do the “right” thing, the “moral” thing, life won’t allow her to do anything but what she needs to do to protect her family from those who would hurt them.

Morally Malice ~ An audiobook narrated by Desarae Holland — K’Anne Meinel

Igen, narrated by Kathleen Starr Hall and written by Prudence MacLeod

The hopes, dreams, and ambitions of one generation are not easily passed on to succeeding generations.  In the enclosed world of Igen they failed, the people weakened and faltered, staggering to the brink of extinction.  Their only hope lay in the arrival of their greatest fear, the Outsiders, but did they come to save or destroy?

Religious Experience ~ A novella by K’Anne Meinel

Marissa and Reanne, after years of invitro fertilization are finally having the baby they so desperately sought.  There is a surprise though, there isn’t just one, there are three.  The mothers-to-be happily look forward to telling their families about the impending births.  Unfortunately, Marissa’s mother and father vehemently refuse to accept these extra children.  They believe that multiple offspring are the work of the devil and they will do anything to rid their misguided daughter and her wife of these unwanted offspring.

This is based on a true story.

Lady Seeker in Spanish ~ La Dama Buscadora

Se dice que puede encontrar a quien sea, cuando sea, donde sea. Huye tan lejos como puedas, reune amigos armados hasta los dientes, no te servirá de nada. Ella se acerca. Detrás de ti, siempre detrás, siempre acercándose está la Buscadora. Nada puede detener a la cazarrecompensas, nada puede distraerla, sólo hay una cosa a la que le teme: a la jinete del dragón.
Barnes & Noble:

La Dama Justicia (Lady Justice in Spanish), a novel by Prudence MacLeod

Lady Dama Justicia

Tasha Stewart hizo un pacto con una diosa después de haber presenciado el asesinato de sus padres y de que su vida estuviera en peligro. Tasha, a cambio de superpoderes, traería Justicia a la ciudad. Una Justicia implacable y sin piedad que no tuviera necesidad de abogados o juicios. ¿Podrá ser capaz de cumplir su promesa sin que su verdadero ser se corrompa? ¿O sucumbirá a la fuerza fría e insensible que es La Dama Justicia? Sólo la inesperada compasión hacia un monstruo y su amistad con La Dama Azul la mantendrán firme en su convicción.

Barnes & Noble:



Blood on the Snow by J.L. Crandall

Even as the Wolf Clan retreats to hidden places to rest and grow strong again, an ancient evil awakens in the north.  Weakened and scattered, the clan must none the less face this new enemy, even as the dark god himself arises to oppose them.  There will be blood spilled on the snows before it’s over.

Hunter ~ An Audiobook by Prudence MacLeod

The government kidnapped her mother. Some unknown entity slaughtered her father. The two forces have always chased her. One wants her as a specimen, the other wants her dead.
When a third force joins the chase, led by a hunter from another world, can Tracy Hawks maintain her advantage? Will she ever have a safe place to call home?