Doctored by K’Anne Meinel

Shadoe Publishing is pleased to announce the full release of DOCTORED by K’Anne Meinel:Doctored

A brilliant child protégée, she dreams of becoming a doctor and a surgeon…and accomplishes her goals.  Unfortunately, her youth and round, child-like face work against her.  No matter how skilled she becomes, how knowledgeable, the old school, male-dominated medical hierarchy wants to keep her in ‘her place.’

Deanna has worked hard to become an expert in her chosen field, but few believe this ‘child’ capable.   Specializing in infectious diseases, she travels the world—from the States to Europe to South America—honing her skills before winding up in Africa where her skills are desperately needed.

Meeting a nurse by the name of Madison MacGregor, she finds they share an insatiable curiosity and a love of helping others, but falling in love was not what she intended.  Later, when she loses Maddie to a misunderstanding, she is haunted by the one that got away…

Ten years have passed and both the doctor and nurse have moved on with their lives, but fate intervenes when they find themselves working at the same hospital.  Their friendship is revived…can their love be rekindled?  Will the past haunt them or bring them closer?  Will the secrets that both harbor keep them from realizing a future together?

Available in E-Book from all these fine retailers: (Just click on the button to be taken to your preference)

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In Paperback: (Press the button to purchase your copy)


and coming soon to these two fine retailers: (Pushing the button will not take you there)

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Red Nova from Prudence MacLeod

Red Nova front Cover

Deep in the Gap where time and space don’t follow the rules, Deann of Nova stumbles on a group of people who claim to be her descendants.  Now she has to keep them alive, escape the time ship that imprisons them all, and prevent the total annihilation of Sector Nine and the Borelian Clans.  A mighty task, even for the matriarch of Red Nova.

Paperback & E-Book


Shadoe Publishing is PROUD to announce that two of our authors have been named finalists in the Golden Crown Literary Society!  If you haven’t had a chance to read Maria Ayala’s THE TIGER AND THE SNAKE or Chris Parson’s THE SMALL STEP JOURNEY, now is your chance!  Don’t delay!

Winners to be announced in July!




ARCTIC GALE by Prudence MacLeod

Arctic Gale front.jpg

Rhonda Gale was the undefeated champion of the world in bicycle racing.  She had it all, fame, fortune, beauty, and tons of admirers.  And yet, the one thing she truly wanted, needed desperately, eluded her.  Rhonda was troubled by dreams, psychic dreams, dreams of a woman calling to her for help.  They were dreams of a woman who set Rhonda’s soul afire with desire.  Race by race, week by week, she searched, until the day she found her, the woman of her dreams.
Paperback & E-Book


INTERVIEW with K’Anne Meinel of Shadoe Publishing


Malice Masterpieces 3 from K’Anne Meinel

Malice Masterpieces 3 Angle

This E-Book is now available!  While the paperback has been out for some time, it is NEWLY available in E-book!

The third set of FIVE Malice books in the series, all here contained in one DELICIOUS and ENTHRALLING book! Including: Minor Malice (Book 11), Morally Malice (Book 12), Morose Malice (Book 13), Melancholy Malice (Book 14), and Mad Malice (Book 15)

FREE Books Give-a-way!

love-bytes-celebrates-3-years-768x284Check out Love Bytes Celebrating three years with Shadoe Publishing’s Author’s give-a-way of their various books…Each author is offering THREE of their books to winners to celebrate Love Bytes three years of reviewing great Lesbian Fiction and Gay Fiction and we are participating…Check out the books here and enter the contest here!

Amazon’s Jeff Bezos Letter ~ A response


I am not quite sure my original questions were answered completely here, your thoughts and opinions are welcome.  I also encourage other authors, publishers, and readers/fans to write him as well…here is my original letter.