Restraint by Alex Spear

Restraint Cover

Virginie has been caring for her mentally ill mother practically since she could walk.  When brilliant, hard-working Virginie meets carefree, happy-go-lucky Felix at university, they fall madly in love.  This should be a wonderful, liberating experience for the women, but when Virginie learns the local nationalist party are conspiring to use her mother to infiltrate their council, she resolves to put a stop to their subterfuge.

When Virginie’s mother is found dead, Virginie is arrested and charged with her murder.  She must go to trial and fight a battle for her life.  Virginie knows just how to save herself, but she needs someone reliable on the outside to carry out her plans.  Can Felix finally grow up and do what is needed to save the woman of her dreams from the death penalty…?

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Further into Fire from HollyAnne Weaver

Further into Fire Front Cover.jpg

Kathleen Pope, firefighter turned EMT and now flying with the Minnesota Highway Patrol’s Flight Section, and her wife, Belladonna, a business woman who moved to St. Paul four years ago. Up until now the couple had experienced a fairy-tale, whirlwind courtship and a carefree life. All that was about to change.

The helicopter that Kathleen is flying in loses power and hits a power line upon takeoff just after loading an accident victim two hours north of Minneapolis-St. Paul. At the very beginning Bella is notified that her wife has been in an accident.

From the very first page, Bella and Kathleen have to deal with the exposed, cold, raw, and ugly emotions and physical difficulties that are the down side of even the most blessed lives that everyone lives. The processes and heartaches that are involved when going through terrific tragedies of injuries and deaths are not simple and are not something that are navigated in a single instant.

Follow the lives of Kathleen and Bella from the book, “Falling Into Fire” in this exciting and dramatic sequel. Much like our own lives, we are reminded that nothing is for certain, nothing is written in stone; everything in our lives no matter how perfect it may seem in this moment can change in the blink of an eye.

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This is the epic sequel to Falling into Fire

Vetted Further

Vetted Further, the fourth book in K’Anne Meinel’s amazing Vetted series which includes Vetted, Cavalcade, Pioneering, and coming in November, Vetted Again.

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Fiona Herriot and her wife, Allyssa continue nurturing and growing the large animal practice Fiona established on their ranch.

From a near-fatal accident to a dream come true, they have weathered all the trials and tribulations that came their way, supporting each other every step along the way.  But when one of their dreams falls through and nearly derails their marriage, will they survive the fallout?

Dogs, cats, horses, chickens, and even llamas play a part in this delightful story.

Join Fiona and Allyssa for the continuing saga of two women, a ranch, and the thriving veterinary practice they are building with love on the high plains of Oregon.

See also VettedCavalcade, and Pioneering (and coming Vetted Again).

Mega Lesfic Fall Sale


Our author and publisher, K’Anne Meinel, is participating in this huge event.  Over 100 books and 60 authors are participating in the sale!  There is surely something there for you.

Included in K’Anne’s offerings are a modern-day western romance, a historical romance, and the beginning of a murdery-mystery.  Check them out by clicking on the I Heart Lesfic Link.



Coming of Age ~ Audio Book

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Sophie Duncan should have been at the perfect point in her life:  graduated from university, young, full of energy, and with the desire to take on the world single-handedly.  Yet nothing seemed to be happening.  She’d even gone so far as to plan a little pity-party for herself at a local pub with a few of her mates, but had been stood up by every one of them.  Just at the point her life should be beginning, it seemed instead as if it was crumbling away underneath her.  Then stumbling, not from intoxication, but in a tear-filled state, she manages to drench Pam Browning, a complete and total stranger, wearing a white silk blouse with her drink, ruining it.  Although she promises to replace the blouse, neither woman expects what’s about to unfold in both their lives…

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