Frankie by Prudence MacLeod

Carrie flees from the demons of her present, trying to protect the ones she loves.
Frankie hides from the demons of her past, and the memory of loved ones she failed to protect.
A modern day princess thrown to the wolves, Carrie’s only hope is the rancher who had spent the better part of a decade in self imposed, near total, isolation. Frankie’s history of losing those she tries to save haunts her, but this madman threatens her home, her livestock, her sanctuary. She knows she can’t do it alone, has she still got enough support from her oldest friends? 






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This is a re-release with a new cover.

Morally Malice ~ An audiobook narrated by Desarae Holland — K’Anne Meinel

Alice is tired of the killing; she wants a nice, normal life.  Circumstances won’t let her though, and although she has tried to do the “right” thing, the “moral” thing, life won’t allow her to do anything but what she needs to do to protect her family from those who would hurt them.

Morally Malice ~ An audiobook narrated by Desarae Holland — K’Anne Meinel

Ángel de la pequeña ciudad (Spanish, Small Town Angel) — K’Anne Meinel

Las ciudades pequeñas son famosas por los secretos … Pero ¿y si traes tus secretos contigo? Amy Adams llega a Northpoint, Wisconsin en un autobús Greyhound. Los pueblos pequeños son bien conocidos por no aceptar a extraños, pero ESTE extraño decide quedarse. Amy mira a su alrededor y, para ella, se “siente” como en casa. […]

Ángel de la pequeña ciudad (Spanish, Small Town Angel) — K’Anne Meinel

The Outsider ~ An Audiobook narrated by Sharon Robbins — K’Anne Meinel

Joy Parker had the perfect childhood.  Doted on by her parents, she couldn’t imagine her childhood any different.  As a child and later a young adult, she’s ignored by her much older siblings, made to feel the outsider…until a tragedy occurs, altering her life in ways she couldn’t possibly have imagined.  The next few years […]

The Outsider ~ An Audiobook narrated by Sharon Robbins — K’Anne Meinel

Long Distance Romance ~ An Audiobook narrated by Nicola Casey — K’Anne Meinel

If you suddenly and unexpectedly fell in love, wouldn’t you want to spend every possible moment with your new love?  Wouldn’t you want to spend time holding hands, touching, sharing emotions, and learning everything possible about each other and your new relationship? What if your new love lived on the other side of the globe? […]

Long Distance Romance ~ An Audiobook narrated by Nicola Casey — K’Anne Meinel

Rise of The Queen (Volume 1) The Elvish Chronicles by Prudence MacLeod

Rise of the Queen front Cover

For thousands of years the High Born Elves have languished in the chains of slavery, their great strength gone, their extra keen senses dulled, and their immortality broken. Somehow, in spite of their harsh master’s efforts, the royal line managed to survive. Now, with the aid of a deadly assassin, the heir is about to shake off the chains of slavery, expose the lies, and bring her people to freedom. And she has no idea the magnitude of the task she has undertaken.





And coming SOON to these fine retailers:

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Fortunate Fire by Prudence MacLeod

Fortunate Fire Cover

Bradana Gordon has made her fortune by teaching others how to create and seize upon opportunities. Suddenly stranded in a strange city by a fire that burned down her venue, she has the chance to practice what she teaches. In so doing she discovers the love of her life, but as so often happens with love at first sight, she has to accept her good fortune, and then find a way to convince the object of her desire and keep her. Not nearly as easy as it should be, but …






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The Watcher and the Warrior by Prudence MacLeod

Watcher and the Warrior

The FIFTH in the Children of the Goddess Series!

The forces of the Dark are on the move, humanity is vulnerable and unprepared. The goddess Moragah sends out her priestesses to find two people, to people to stop the encroaching darkness. One to see the when and where the conflict will happen, and one to halt the advance. The search was successful, in her lonely tower the Watcher sees all while below the Warrior continues to hone her skills, eagerly awaiting the battle to come.



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A Lost Love novella by Jennis Slaughter

A Lost Love

Dawn Lorrayne isn’t happy, and she is going to make sure that no one else is happy…even if her macabre plan for revenge is the last thing that she does. 

Laurel Taylor has moved on with her life, and has found a new love in Alex James. They are making plans to take the next step in their relationship. 

To what lengths will all three go to in order to fulfill their destiny, or will Dawn’s violent plan end everything before it really gets started?



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And coming soon to these retailers:

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After Sasha by HollyAnne Weaver

After SashaShadoe Publishing proudly releases the fantastic follow up to HollyAnne’s previous novel: The Plaid Skirt.  In this novel:

Single mother Alison Aronov-Lockewood has just found herself face-to-face with a ghost.  A living, breathing, ghost—of her lost wife Sasha, and mother to her daughter Lidi.  After she manages to get her anxiety under control, she realizes that this apparent apparition is a wonderful woman, a woman of wit and charm, a woman who cares about being an advocate of the children, just as she has become a representative in the legal system of children in honor of Sasha’s death in the line of duty as a social worker.  And more importantly, like herself, she is a lesbian.  After feeling nothing but pain inside for the last six and a half years, Aly’s heart beats once, twice, three times in quick succession.  Could this be love again?  Could this be that special person that she’s waited all these years for?

Now available in Paperback and Ebook formats from these fine retailers:



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