THE PLAID SKIRT by HollyAnne Weaver

The Plaid Skirt Cover 3

Aly Lockewood, 24, never having told anyone that she is a lesbian, meets Sasha Aronov, 31, who has been out since Junior High school, in a clothing store, both wanting to buy the same plaid skirt.  Alison breaks the ice in a most bizarre way, completely taking Sasha off-guard.  Meeting over coffee, Sasha won’t admit her instant feelings, saying she isn’t in a relationship and isn’t looking for one, yet offers to mentor and support Aly.  Aly admits to being gay for the first time, trusting Sasha not only because she also is a lesbian, but because she gets a good feeling from her, along with feeling sparks of her own toward Sasha.  Can the immovable force move the immovable object?  Only time will tell…

In E-Book and Paperback

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